October sucked. How Can We Change The Trajectory Of Growth

October sucked:

  • $248k less GMV

  • $79k less revenue

  • 17% fewer active subscriptions

  • $169k less payouts to engineers

The following should change the trajectory of growth:

  1. Bring back the culture, where "every new customer matters"

    It seems we lost the scrappiness of an early-stage team, and it's too early for us. We still need to fight for every client no matter what.

  2. Lazer focus on lead generation on the demand side.

    After the start of the war, we were focused on rebuilding our supply outside of UA and lost touch with buyers.

  3. We hired our first PMM.

    They will help launch campaigns that target our power users + find new growth channels.

  4. Review and optimize our budget.

    We have processes of a small team, and it's not anymore. The budget got out of hand.

  5. Outbound sales:

    • building an internal team of 5 bizdevs

    • + outsource bizdev for a year

  6. Optimize client form that has not been changed for over a year.

I share all my progress in this thread


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